
AWS Modernization Workshop: Observability with Epsagon

Epsagon and AWS

Welcome 👋

Welcome to the AWS Serverless with Epsagon workshop! In this workshop, you’ll learn how to gain observability into your serverless application using a built retail store. You’ll learn the key concepts of monitoring and troubleshooting applications using Epsagon. Have fun!


  • Deploy a fully working serverless retail store, including frontend and backend.
  • Setup and connect the application to Epsagon.
  • Troubleshoot some real-life scenarios using Epsagon’s distributed tracing.
  • Monitor the health of the application with simple visualizations.
  • Learn how to tag traces for pinpoint and aggregation.

Sample reference architecture

The following application includes both the frontend which stored as a static website on S3, and the backend that built on multiple services, resources, and functions:


The examples and sample code provided in this workshop are intended to be consumed as instructional content. These will help you understand how various AWS services can be architected to build a solution while demonstrating best practices along the way. These examples are not intended for use in production environments.